Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SWFox Conference

I will be attending and presenting at the Southwest FoxPro Conference once again this year. The conference begins tomorrow and runs through Sunday. This year I'll be talking about mobilizing data which is another benefit Advantage brings to the FoxPro community. The abstract from my session is below:

Title: Extended VFP Application Data to a Mobile Device
Presenter: Chris Franz, Systems Consultant
Level: All
Friday, October 15, 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 16, 8:30 a.m.

Are your customers asking for mobile access to their VFP data? Do you need to start providing mobile access for a competitive edge? This session will cover how to extend your current VFP data to a mobile device. It will demonstrate how easy it is to allow concurrent DBF data access from your existing VFP application and a mobile device at the same time from virtually any mobile device using the IDE of your choice. There is no need to convert your data to allow DBF data access with mobile devices such as Blackberry, iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, etc. all while allowing you the freedom to write the mobile application of your choice. Come see how!

The mobile access is possible through the use of our new Advantage Web API we are currently developing. It consists of a pre-configured version of Apache with bundled web services which allow data access. You can get an overview of this new project on JD's blog. If you want to try out the API for yourself you can sign up for the beta.

I'll have some updates from the conference over the next few days and much more about the Advantage Web API soon.

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