Friday, February 20, 2009

FoxPro Developers Network of San Diego

Last night we visited the FoxPro Developers Network of San Diego. Just like many other FoxPro developers I have met over the past two years this group was very welcoming and friendly. The meeting was held at Denny’s in their meeting room which allowed everyone to eat if they wished.

The president Eric Lendavai started the meeting with a presentation on using VirtualPC to create test environments. He had several tips and tricks for configuring and using virtual machines.

After Eric’s presentation I spent about an hour and a half talking about Advantage database server and our FoxPro support. This group had many of the same questions as the LAFox group however, they had several more questions about web integration. Specifically dealing with Java integration and I was all to happy to talk about our JDBC Driver.

Many thanks to the members of the group and especially Art Bergquist for coordinating everything. You can get more details about the FoxPro Developers Network of San Diego on their website.

UPDATE: If you are having trouble viewing the screencasts we provided you may need a javascript file which I sent to Art. You can also view all of our screencasts on the Advantage Developer Zone.

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