Friday, August 13, 2010

TechWave Recap

TechWave2010_Presentation The annual Sybase Developer's conference TechWave was held this past week in Washington DC. There were over 750 attendees from around the world in attendance. John Chen wasted no time in discussing the recent acquisition of Sybase by SAP stating "There will be no road map changes at all" during the keynote. This is great news for Advantage and all of the other Sybase products. You can get more information about the keynote on Eric Lai's blog UberMobile.

Over the three day event we taught sixteen Advantage classes and there were over 150 classes offered throughout the conference. As always we had a very enthusiastic and energetic group of Advantage developers for our sessions. If you have a MySybase account you can access the presentation archive here.

TW2010_Mike Like our Sybase DevDays events that we did earlier in the year many of the sessions highlighted the new features of Advantage version 10. One of my favorite sessions is the Advantage 10 Live where Mike Hagman and I demonstrate several of the new features using an interactive format. The demonstrations are designed to show practical uses for the new features with typical use cases.

The performance discussion and demonstrations are always well received. There are several significant performance improvements in Advantage 10. These include improved transaction performance, improved stored procedure execution, binary indexes as well as multi-client performance. The live demonstrations show the performance of Advantage 9 vs. Advantage 10 as we discuss the underlying features responsible for the performance improvements.

Overall, I really enjoyed the event and interacting with the Advantage users in attendance.

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