Monday, April 12, 2010

Side-By-Side Installs with the Advantage Beta

One of the great new features of version 10 is the ability to do a side-by-side install. This allows you to install a second instance of Advantage on the same machine. In order to install version 10 along side an older version of Advantage you need to modify the setup.

The basic steps are outlined below:

  1. Unzip the install to a directory
  2. Copy sidebyside.exe from the Program Files\Advantage 10.0\Server directory to the directory with the .MSI file. Otherwise you need to specify the entire path.
  3. Run sidebyside.exe from the command line providing the following arguments
    • Path to MSI file (Advantage Database Server for Windows v9.99.msi)
    • Your custom install name SideBySide
  4. Modify the setup.ini adding the following properties in the following sections
    • Bootstrap
      • SideBySide = 1
    • Properties
      • CONFIG_RECEIVE_IP_PORT ( syntax is #6299 the hash is required )
  5. Ensure the modified setup.ini is in the same directory with the modified setup.exe and run the modified install

You can get more information from the Advantage Beta Newsgroup look for the Updated Documentation for SideBySide Installs.

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